Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Our little man started his first day of pre-school. He was so excited. Mostly so he could wear his new Thomas backpack. It seems like just the other day he was a newborn, crying a lot, or crawling his weird little crawl. I can't believe that Aydan is already old enough for pre-school. Time goes by way to fast, I would like Aydan to stay this age forvever. He is so funny and smart. He keeps me on my toes all day. I wouldn't give up his stubborn and sometimes difficult personality for anything! His personality is what makes him so unique. Not to say that sometimes he drives me crazy! Thank you Aydan for all of your neck hugs, smiles and your crazy dances!!


Jones Family said...

Preschool is such a big step! Way to go, Aydan! (and Annie, too!)

Malmstroms said...

So exciting! I am proud of you both. When I put Asia to bed tonight she told me she wanted to play with Aydan. Hopefully we can find time in the busy school boys schedule to hang out!

Erin said...

Oh wow! How exciting! How did the first day go? Where do you take him to preschool?

The Wiseman Life said... little Ayden is a school boy. Of course he would want a Thomas backpack! Cute little sucker!

Last night I dreamed of Disneyland....I was so happy! ooooo...that was a great time!

Bowthorpe's said...

Hey Annie,
You are such a great mom with an adorable little family! I love hearing all of your adventures!
Next thing you know it will be "Off To High School" AAAHHH, so scary!