Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cabin Joys

Dad and Aydan enjoying the 4-wheelers.

Sam enjoying the cool weather. He is too cute!

Our nemesis-tether ball.

How cute is this picture! Aydan loves to pose for pictures.

Mom and Aydan riding the 4-wheeler

Aydan pretending to drive

This weekend we went to our cabin. Its a bit of a dive but still fun to hang out there. We like to take bets on who's chair will fall in the gaps in the deck. And if your chair falls in the gap you go tumbling down. Unfortunately we didn't have any casualties this trip. Finally this cabin trip Aydan got on the 4-wheelers. We have been begging Aydan to take a ride but he refused. You know Aydan, he won't do anything unless he wants to, no matter how much begging we do. We were lucky enough to see some moose and deer. The fall colors were out and gorgeous. Lots of red and orange. It was fun just to relax hang out with the family and play some tether ball. Needless to say we are not every good, we kind of looked like Napolean Dynamite.

Monday, September 22, 2008

4 Months Old

On September 15th, Sam turned 4 months old. Time has gone by so fast, and he looks so much different than he did when he was first born. Sam had his doctors appointment today. He weighs 14 lbs 12 oz (41%) and is 26 3/4 inches long (94%). He is not as skinny as he was just two months ago. But he has a lot less hair than two months ago. When he was born he had such great hair and now it is pretty much all gone, all that is left is some peach fuzz. But he is still so dang cute. Aydan is having a great time with Sam, he loves to play with him and try to make him laugh. I am glad that Aydan loves being a big brother. Sam is still not sleeping through the night, but he is getting a bit better. He can sleep for 6 hours straight, that's a slight improvement. We have started feeding him some cereal, which he seems to enjoy. Sam loves rolling over and now rolls over on his belly to sleep. We all are having a great time with Sam, he is a really happy baby that loves to smile and laugh. He is a welcome addition to our family.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Interesting Tastes

Aydan is a strange little child. Anyone that knows him knows that he is his own man. He does things in his own way, in his own time. Take potty training for instance, we have been trying to potty train Aydan for some time with no success. We would ask him "do you want to wear diapers or underwear" and of course he would say diapers. Why we would ask, just because I want to was his reply. And no matter how much we bribed him, legos, cars, candy, money, a trip to the toy store he would not be convinced. If Aydan does not want to do it, he will not do it. Peer pressure does not work with this child. So finally this past week me and Aydan traded his diapers for a car. We gathered all his diapers together put them in a sack and he threw them in the garbage. And that was that. Aydan has only had 2 accidents and the first of the week and none for 3 days. He now just runs into the bathroom and pees or poos on his own, we don't even have to remind him anymore. Once Aydan decided he wanted to do it, he did, as easy as that. And if you know us you know we have been stressing over potty training for awhile and it turned out if we were just patient, Aydan would tell us when he is ready.

Another thing that is interesting about Aydan is his eating habits. For a 3 year old he is a great eater. He has his moments, but for the most part he eats really well. But he does enjoy interesting things that most children would not eat. His favorite foods are avocados, artichokes (he actually eats the leafs), watermelon, salad with Nony's dressing, pea pods and corn on the cob, mini wheat ceral and Crackin Oat Bran (mom's ceral as he like to call it). The other night he ate a whole artichoke by himself, and two ears of corn. During the summer he picked his own peas and ate a ton everyday. The thing I don't understand is that he does not like strawberries, peaches and most fruit. How could you like vegatables but not fruit? Oh how I love my crazy boy!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sams Big Move

Today Sam reached a milestone, he rolled over! He has been really close for a couple of weeks, but today he made it unto his belly. I kept rolling him back over unto his back, but he would instantly roll back unto his belly. Good work Sammy!! Now if you could just learn to sleep.


I have not slept for over 4 months. I am not kidding. Sam has yet to sleep through the night, or even six hours. He usually gets up every 4-5 hours. Not to mention the times I get up to give him his binky so I don't have to feed him again. At first I thought well he has been sick once he feels better he will sleep. NOT the case. Now I think he might be teething. So not only is he up twice a night he no longer takes very good naps. So I get to enjoy Sam 24 hours a day without a break. I mean I know he is cute, smiley and laughing a lot and who wouldn't want to spend 24 hours a day with him? ME that's who, it would be nice to have at least 10 mintues to myself. This weekend I thought why am I making such a big deal over not sleeping. Sam is our last baby so I should enjoy the time I get to spend with him, eventually he won't need me as much and he is growing up so fast. I thought I will have a positive attitude and enjoy getting up with Sam, he is very precious. Well that was Annie on sleep. Positive, thinking who needs sleep. That previous night was our anniversary so we had left the boys overnight and I had received a great nights sleep. So the morning came and I was all missing my boys and grateful that I could spend time with them. Well obviously that has worn off. I NEED MY SLEEP!! I mean how much time do you really need to spend with your kids? Seriously I barely have time to eat, and sometimes I don't eat until dinner. Well that may be because I am not a good eater, I am a little too picky, so that is probably my fault. But the constant tiredness, irritability and my short temper I blame on the lack of sleep. And just think as I am writing this short blog I hear Sam crying. Surprise, surprise it has been less than 30 minutes and he is up from his nap. Okay seriously I am going insane. I think I shall curl up in the fetal position and cry. Anyone is welcome to join me, misery loves company. Please exuse my bad attitude, I am happy that I have my boys and I do have a great time spending time with them, but sometimes being a mother is too dang hard!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Girls Weekend

Over Labor Day weekend I was able to go to California with my sister-in-law, MiRanda and her friend, Lorena. It was great! MiRanda called on Saturday at 9 am and asked if I wanted to go to I like being spontaneous so of course I said yes. And we were at the airport flying to California that same day at 1 pm. We stayed close to everything, 10 minutes to the airport, 20 minutes to Disneyland and 30-40 minutes to Santa Monica Beach and Newport Harbor. We spent Sunday afternoon at Disneyland. We were so lucky we didn't have to wait in any lines. We pretty much rode all the rides. The best ride Splash Mountain the worst ride Winnie the Pooh. Don't ask me why we decided to go on that lame ride. It was the worst 5 minutes of my life. I know I am being dramatic but it really was not good! Lorena was the smart one and decided to use the restroom instead of riding Winnie the Pooh.
Later that day we rode down to Santa Monica Beach. We ate at Bubba Gumps, best shrimp I have ever had, and I got a sweet Bubba Gump hat. Then on Monday we went to Newport Harbor for some shopping, lunch and the beach. The beach was beautiful, I could have sat on the beach and people watched all day. My favorite is the smell of the ocean, I love that salty smell.
I also was able to meet "Patty", the lovely navigator on Lorena's phone. It was awesome to have her tell us exactly how to get around in California. California is a crazy place to drive, Patty made it so easy. Oh how I miss Patty telling me how to drive.
I had such a great time. Thank you MiRanda for inviting me and giving me the break that I needed!
Coming soon (when I can figure out how to download the videos) the hitchhiker that joined us in California.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Our little man started his first day of pre-school. He was so excited. Mostly so he could wear his new Thomas backpack. It seems like just the other day he was a newborn, crying a lot, or crawling his weird little crawl. I can't believe that Aydan is already old enough for pre-school. Time goes by way to fast, I would like Aydan to stay this age forvever. He is so funny and smart. He keeps me on my toes all day. I wouldn't give up his stubborn and sometimes difficult personality for anything! His personality is what makes him so unique. Not to say that sometimes he drives me crazy! Thank you Aydan for all of your neck hugs, smiles and your crazy dances!!