Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sams Big Move

Today Sam reached a milestone, he rolled over! He has been really close for a couple of weeks, but today he made it unto his belly. I kept rolling him back over unto his back, but he would instantly roll back unto his belly. Good work Sammy!! Now if you could just learn to sleep.


Malmstroms said...

Hooray Sam! He is SO advanced! You are a good mom to know when he rolled over. I don't have a clue when Asia first rolled over, and especially no pictures.

The Wiseman Life said...

Oh Sammy, you are just growing so stinkin fast. I bet your tried from rolling over, why don't you take a nap....a really long 10 hour nap so your Mom can catch up on her sleep? Cute boy...I can't wait to see the rolling over action live!!!
K so the 27th I'm bunkin with Ayden!