Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Who's Who

Here are the 4 month pictures of all three boys. People are always asking who Wyatt looks like. When he was born we all went huh? Because the two other boys looked exactly like Peter. But baby Wyatt is his own man! So you tell me who does he look like and which one is which?
And here are Wyatt's 4 month stats. Weight 14lbs 8oz (40%), height 25 3/4in (78%). He is the smallest of the three boys.


The last weekend before school started we went up to the cabin. It was as beautiful as ever, cool weather and lots of animal life. And we finally got Sam to ride the 4 wheeler!

Sam, Molly, Wyatt and Aydan

Baby Wyatt

Sam wanted to pee outside like big brother Aydan.
Isn't his bum just so cute!


Big daddy moose. We saw three other moose!

Demolition Derby

Its that time of year again when the demolition derby comes to Davis County! And of course we were all there, except for Peter. Poor Peter missed it last year because Sam was sick and this year we got him a ticket and it ended up being back to school night. Boo!! But we were able to take our adopted daughter, Becca, she is a good sport. Unfortunately this year was kind of a disappointing. There was not as many cars, way too much time in between rounds and not as many cars on fire. But we all still had a blast and the boys loved it!

Sam and Aydan, don't be fooled by Sam's smile
he started to cry shortly after the ride started.

Aydan and Becca

The boys and the chickens



Kris, Miranda, Becca, Sam. Jane, Aydan and Bob

Sam in shock

Aydan, loving every minute

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Baby Wyatt

We had Wyatt's 3 month pictures taken at Target. He is so precious! We are loving our baby Wyatt.


The end of July we headed off to Price. I know what you are all thinking, what is in Price. Well it was the Castlevalley Pageant. It is a pageant about how the Mormon pioneers came to the Price area. It was a fun pageant, a little long but we survived. The best part was the cow mooing through most of the pageant. She was not happy to be there. The kids were able to get some swimming in, we went to the dinosaur museum and of course hit the DI and Walmart. There really is not much to do in Price!

Baby Wyatt

Wyatt, Peter and Aydan

The family

Dusty, our handsome nephew

Wade, Natalie, Jayallen, Doyle and Annie


Dusty and Sam



Aydan the archeologists

Cute Lindsey

Lindsey, Sam, Aydan and Dusty

Sam, so done with the car!

Friday, August 6, 2010 - Whooping cough: Calif. outbreak serves as reminder to get vaccinations

I don't usually use my blog for my personal opinions but I find this very important. People who don't vaccinate their children have an impact on my children and the rest of society. The little ones, infants especially, are not fully immune to childhood diseases even if they are getting the vaccines. So if someone gets whooping cough, a highly contagious disease, they can easily give it to a young child and make them seriously ill and even die. Please vaccinate your children! Childhood diseases like whopping cough, measles, mumps, and polio are not things that you want your child to experience.
And feel free to share this link. - Whooping cough: Calif. outbreak serves as reminder to get vaccinations