Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Wyatt Ren was born today at 1038am. A very fast and painful labor. He weighs 8 pounds 1 ounce and 20 1/2 inches long. He has lots of blond hair! We love him already!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The End

Tomorrow marks the end of 9 months of making a baby! Thankfully my doctor will be inducing me tomorrow, no more waiting! I am beyond excited. I am not one of those people that enjoy pregnancy in the least. But having a baby is well worth all the heartburn, nausea, LOTS of weight gain and the irritability. Thankfully I have a very sweet husband that has been so supportive and loving. Most of the time when I am feisty and a little scary (o.k a lot scary) he can just laugh it off and give me some perspective. He can always make me laugh. We can't wait to meet this new little boy, and are super excited to be adding another boy to our family. Below are some VERY rare pictures of me pregnant.

About 8 months pregnant.

Taken at 38 weeks.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Over Spring break I was able to take Aydan to the aquarium. It was suppose to be a family outing but of course Sam had to wake up at 6am that morning so there was no way that we would survive the outing. Sam REALLY loves his naps, as does his parents. It was a lot of fun to hang out with just Aydan. He is so funny and does not stop talking. I loved how he held my hand and I didn't even have to ask. We also met up with my brother, sister-in-law and some of their friends. It was a whole day excursion. The aquarium was super crowded but worth it. They have penguins!! They were so cute and playful. Aydan's favorite part was the eels, his new favorite animal. After the aquarium we grabbed some lunch and headed to the park. It was fun to let Aydan play with some friends and I got some adult conversation in. It was a great day and I truly enjoyed having a whole day with just me and my first baby.
Sweet Aydan

Aydan and the alligator

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Celebration

We had a pretty busy Easter weekend. We dyed eggs on Saturday night followed by a pizza dinner. Then Sunday we made an Easter breakfast for Peter's parents. (They were just returning home from being out of town) Then to continue the cousins from up north came for an Easter egg hunt and brunch. And finally my brother and his wife stopped by for dessert. We had a house full of people most of the day but it was lots of fun and the boys had a great time.

Aydan on the Easter egg hunt.


Sam and part of his Easter basket.

Sam on the Easter egg hunt.

Aydan and Sam, Easter morning

Sam dying the eggs. He actually didn't drink the dye which was a shocker.

Aydan "dipping" the eggs.
