Sunday, September 2, 2012

More Fair Fun

Another spontaneous activity with a great result. We went to the balloon stampede at Antelope Island. It was so much fun! The weather was crazy but the end result was beautiful. We enjoyed yummy fair food including deep fried Oreos, making kites, watching all the flying kites, talking to the bison, playing in the bounce houses, and of course snow cones from the Nye's at Tropical Sno. I am kinda of obsessed with snow cones right now, so we enjoy stalking the Nye's Tropical Sno stand!


Annie and my cute Sammers.

Family with the kites. It was a bit cold.

Sam, love the rainbow in the background.
Aydan being silly of course.

Annie and the fried Oreos. Don't judge they were super yummy!



Aydan and Sam

Mr. Bison

Wyatt with the kites.

Sam trying to fly his kite.