Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Boss

My sweet Aydan! What a great little man he is. So very smart, logical but has a flare of creativity. He has been taking piano lessons and is actually quite good, even his piano teacher is impressed. Aydan is very sensitive, has a very kind heart and passionate. With passion comes some intense tantrums and fights with Sam. He is a helpful older brother and loves to read and play with Sam and Wyatt. Aydan loves to be in charge, hence The Boss nickname, he asks me frequently if he can be in charge and tell us what to do. He makes us laugh! Aydan thank you for all your help, for being so sweet and for your great foot rubs and shoulder rubs! You are the best little man.

I love this picture, he spent at least a hour pretending to be different animals in the pool. Can you guess which one this is?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Samuel Paul

What can I say about my Sammers. He is so full of life, so happy, and sweet. He loves to cuddle and is starting to enjoy reading books for longer than 5 seconds. One of my favorite things I do with Sam is when we put him to bed he always asks if I will lie with him. So we cuddle and visit. I love to see him smile and the look of enjoyment on his face is priceless. I love this little guy and he really is a joy to be around. We are still trying to figure out the best way to discipline Sam, he has us stumped in that aspect, so any advice would be great! Sam you have a great spirit and I hope you will always have such enthusiasm for life. We love you buddy!

Sam wearing his Halloween bag on his head

Sam's favortite activity with Grandma, baking.

My cute Sammers.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Wyatt

How cute is my baby Wyatt? He is such a kind, sweet, calm, happy baby and I can't believe his hair is still blond! He is beginning to talk a little, saying mama, dada, papa, and oh no. Wyatt's favorite thing is to read books, he loves to sit on your lap and read books for 20 minutes or more. While his brothers are running around and playing cars Wyatt is sitting and reading books. All the boys have such different personalities and it is fun to see Wyatt getting a personality and interacting more with his big brothers. We are so blessed to have him in our family. So many spiritual experiences have surrounded Wyatt and he truly is a gift from God (and really aren't all children a gift from God).