Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Wyatt

How cute is my baby Wyatt? He is such a kind, sweet, calm, happy baby and I can't believe his hair is still blond! He is beginning to talk a little, saying mama, dada, papa, and oh no. Wyatt's favorite thing is to read books, he loves to sit on your lap and read books for 20 minutes or more. While his brothers are running around and playing cars Wyatt is sitting and reading books. All the boys have such different personalities and it is fun to see Wyatt getting a personality and interacting more with his big brothers. We are so blessed to have him in our family. So many spiritual experiences have surrounded Wyatt and he truly is a gift from God (and really aren't all children a gift from God).


Jones Family said...

We love Wyatt, too! What a cutie!

Shirley said...

What a beautiful little boy!