Friday, November 21, 2008

My Growing Baby

Sam turned six months old last week. I can't believe that it has already been six months since his birth. I know I say this every time, but seriously time goes by way too fast. He had his doctors appointment today and had to get three shots, he was not very happy. He weighs in at a whopping 16 lbs and 7 oz (27%) and he is 28 inches tall (90%). So he is still a little guy. And unfortunately the doctor said if he still wants to eat in the middle of the night it is a good idea considering how small he still is. So we shall continue the count down to sleeping through the night! Sam is a really happy, fun baby. He loves to chew and grab at anything within his reach. I haven't found anything that he doesn't like to eat yet, we will be starting meats and dinners soon. He is close to sitting up and staying up by himself, he is just too wiggly to stay put for too long. He loves playing with his big brother, and Aydan loves to make Sam laugh. It helps that Aydan adores Sam. We love our little Sammers!!

His loves chewing on that spoon

6 months old

My adorable boys!

He is so happy!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ode to Candy

Of course this is a post about Halloween. This year was more fun than ever. Aydan actually was really excited to go trick-o-treating, he asked all morning if we could go trick-o-treating. Aydan had fun running door to door with his friends from the neighborhood. It is much easier to go trick-o-treating with a group of friends and more fun. Sam was a good sport, he pretty much slept in his stroller the entire time. Sam had the cutest costume, he was a little frog. Which fits him perfectly as he likes to stick out his tongue and loves to jump. Aydan got a ton of candy and ate a lot as we were walking around. And surprisingly enough he did not ask for any candy all day today. Score of me and Peter, we can enjoy all of Aydan's hard work!

Aydan finally getting tired and needing to be carried.

Mr. Elephant

Little precious frog

Of course Sophie got a costume, she hated every minute!

Enjoying his candy

Aydan and Myles