Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh Sammers

Sam had a rough day yesterday. He woke up a little early and would NOT take a nap, which is a rare thing. So about six he was beyond tired. And this video shows just how tired he was. Sam is so dang funny he is always making us laugh.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rembering Sophie

It has been one year since you passed away. We have missed you terribly. We think about you all the time and remember all the joy that you brought us. We loved how you liked to play badminton, you loved to help us dig in the garden, how you would stand at attention when you wanted us to play fetch and how you would get tired on our walks and have to ride on top of the stroller. You were a great addition to our family and we miss you all the time. You will be forever in our hearts. Love you Sophie.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Random Pics

It has been awhile since we last posted. We have been busy getting ready for the baby, cleaning, finishing the bathroom, lots of laundry and I have been working some extra shifts. So not too much excitement around here. But the boys are as funny as ever so here is just a few pictures of their crazy antics.

Aydan as a Power Ranger. He wore this all day, even at the store

Sam wearing Papa's glasses

Sam loves the bath, even in his clothes.

Aydan and Sam

The boys love Thomas.



Aydan making a cubby.