Monday, September 22, 2008

4 Months Old

On September 15th, Sam turned 4 months old. Time has gone by so fast, and he looks so much different than he did when he was first born. Sam had his doctors appointment today. He weighs 14 lbs 12 oz (41%) and is 26 3/4 inches long (94%). He is not as skinny as he was just two months ago. But he has a lot less hair than two months ago. When he was born he had such great hair and now it is pretty much all gone, all that is left is some peach fuzz. But he is still so dang cute. Aydan is having a great time with Sam, he loves to play with him and try to make him laugh. I am glad that Aydan loves being a big brother. Sam is still not sleeping through the night, but he is getting a bit better. He can sleep for 6 hours straight, that's a slight improvement. We have started feeding him some cereal, which he seems to enjoy. Sam loves rolling over and now rolls over on his belly to sleep. We all are having a great time with Sam, he is a really happy baby that loves to smile and laugh. He is a welcome addition to our family.


Malmstroms said...

Hooray! We love baby Sam! I will take him any day you need to sleep, or scream!!

The Wiseman Life said...

Cutie little Sam...4 months. Gee where does time go?
So tell Ayden he can relax. I don't have to come and have a slumber party on Saturday night. My Mr. Kris is not leaving me anymore! I'm so happy!

Amy said...

Where is his hair? My sammie is getting power alleys, not cool seeing she is a girl. Sorry he's not sleeping through the night. Your disneyland trip looks fun!

brandon said...

your boys are so cute!! I swear, I never see you anymore!! How are you surviving your lack of sleep?? I have lacked sleep too but for different reasons...mine is called stupid graveyards!!! =Brittany