Saturday, October 15, 2011

Samuel Paul

What can I say about my Sammers. He is so full of life, so happy, and sweet. He loves to cuddle and is starting to enjoy reading books for longer than 5 seconds. One of my favorite things I do with Sam is when we put him to bed he always asks if I will lie with him. So we cuddle and visit. I love to see him smile and the look of enjoyment on his face is priceless. I love this little guy and he really is a joy to be around. We are still trying to figure out the best way to discipline Sam, he has us stumped in that aspect, so any advice would be great! Sam you have a great spirit and I hope you will always have such enthusiasm for life. We love you buddy!

Sam wearing his Halloween bag on his head

Sam's favortite activity with Grandma, baking.

My cute Sammers.


Shirley said...

He is so cute I have loved following his little full of life stories on your blog!

Jones Family said...

That smile is priceless! He's a keeper!