Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It Never Ends

Humidifiers, Tylenol, ibuprofen, Kleenexes, antibiotics, lack of sleep, croup, ear infections, sinus infections, eye infections, coughs, runny noses, lots of jammy days, too many movies and more croup. We have had your fare share of sickness. And it just keeps coming. Even while the boys were on antibiotics Aydan picked up some new cough and by the end of the week I am sure the rest of the boys will have it! Thankfully Wyatt has only been infected with croup and he recovered very fast without any complications. We are surviving and the boys have been really good about taking their medicines. Hopefully by March we will be infection free and ready for Spring!

This is not all of it, our mini pharmacy

Sam being silly, Aydan being sick





Jones Family said...

Get healthy over there! If you need a new selection of movies...come on over!

Davis Valley Classic said...

This is just another reason why I HATE winter! Sorry your guys have been sick! I feel like I've been to the dr so many times this winter for Grant's dang ear infections, and then Avery got one too. The snot never ends!!!
Your boys are getting so big! Wyatt looks SO much like you as he gets older. What cute boys!

Erin said...

I was wondering where you have been. Our house has been the same...except I've avoided it ALL!!! That makes me happy. I'm SO sick of winter too. 30 something more days until spring...we can do this. :)

Kayleen said...

SO sorry to hear you're family has been sick! Blech :(
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery!