Monday, January 3, 2011

Baby Joys

Had to make a post for Wyatt since he is just so precious! He got his 1st tooth this week and another one is on its way. He has been pretty cranky but still sleeping great! We are so lucky to have Wyatt, he is such a joy. He is very mellow and has a great smile. Love you baby Wyatt!

Tuck was kind enough to share his treat

Look at those smiles, he loves dogs!


Bath time


Erin said...

Glad you finally got one that looks like you. He's darling.

Alex, Nicholas and Lukas' family said...

He is so cute! It's amazing how different he looks from your other 2 boys! He definitely looks more like you!

cassy said...

He needs a dog it sounds like! I have 2 that I'd be willing to swap for... um nothing actually! You can just have them free of charge!