Monday, June 21, 2010

Little Wyatt

Today was Wyatt's two month doctors appointment. We weighs 11 lbs, 13 oz (53%) and is 23 1/2 inches long (72%). And he took his three shots like a champ! He is doing great and sleeping even better. He on average will sleep 8 hours at night! Thank goodness. Sam didn't sleep through the night until he was almost 2. We are super excited that we have a good sleeper and a good baby. He is a very calm baby, not much of a crier, enjoys just being held or lying on the couch watching his brothers play. Wyatt has been a great blessing in our lives and great addition to our family. We love you Wyatt!

Dead to the world.

His favorite thing, being held.

Look at that smile.

Favorite outfit, Pearl Jam shirt.

Cutest baby ever!!


Jessica Beckman said...

I think Wyatt looks like Paul. Am I the only one?

Lorri Love said...

Love the smiling photo of Wyatt! I never see that little cutie when he is awake.

Malmstroms said...

Oh, he is SO sweet! I need to come hold him!

I-got-the-notion said...

Love his "favorite shirt!" Couldn't have been influenced at all, right? He is definitely a cute baby!