Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Aydan has graduated from preschool! I can't believe that he is going to be in kindergarten. Life goes by to fast. My baby is getting so big and independent. Aydan has has a great time this year, learned so much and even had his first girlfriend. We were lucky to find his preschool teacher, she exceeded our expectations. She was so kind and patient with the kids, Aydan just loved her and loved going to school. He is going to do awesome in kindergarten, we are so proud of how much Aydan has grown and all that he has learned. Thanks Miss Mindy!

Aydan does not like crowds, so no singing for him.

Aydan and Lucy, his girlfriend.

Our graduate.


Malmstroms said...

Congratulations cute graduate! We miss you all. Hope everyone is felling better and life with hubby home is great! Lets hang out.

cassy said...

So darling! He is such a sweet kid, Boston just loves to follow him around!

Shirley said...

So Cute! Can't believe how time flies!