Friday, May 15, 2009

Growing Up

Today Sam is 1 year old! I am a little sad today. One because my baby is growing up so fast, he is getting to be more like a toddler and less like a baby and two he is still not sleeping through the night! But with that sweet smile that could melt your heart and is energy for life you can't help but forget about all the sleepless nights, well almost. We love you Sammers!


The Robot Writes said...

Happy Birthday Sam!

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday Little Sam! Do your mom and dad a favor tonight and sleep through the night! Congrats on your 1 year old mom and dad!

Jones Family said...

He's a heartbreaker! Happy Day to you!

Erin said...

Happy Birthday Sam! You are a cutie. He's looking so much like Aydan now.