Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Little Culture

Sometime in April we went down to BYU's (boo!) art museum. They had a exhibit on the I Spy books. We thought it would be interactive, and fun for the kids. Unfortunately we were wrong. There was like 10 pictures from the I Spy books in frames on the walls, with lots of signs that said DO NOT TOUCH! It was fun to look at the pictures, but it just was not what we expected. Next to the I Spy exhibit was another "art" exhibit. There was a room full of packing peanuts with fans to blow them around, there was a sink and PVC pipe and there were lawn chairs stacked on top of one another. It was different, that is all I have to say about that. It was still fun to hang out with the girls and all the kids. We had a nice picnic and went to another museum with lots of real stuffed animals. Now that was really cool and the kids loved it. Thanks for the great outing idea Lorri!

Sam hanging out in the stroller.

The Balloon Art, yes its art.

All the children.

Again Sam in the stroller, its a nice babysitter!

Aydan and the I Spy exhibit.

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