Monday, December 15, 2008

Aydan's Party

This Saturday we had a birthday party for Aydan. He will be turning 4 on Tuesday. Can you believe that he is already 4!! It has been a long wait for Aydan, we told him about the birthday party that morning and he couldn't wait to have his party. He kept asking when his friends were coming and kept saying "this is taking forever and ever". Thank goodness we didn't mention the party before then. There were a couple of times he was almost in tears because he just didn't want to wait.

Reading his new book.

Matthew, Aydan, Halle and Myles.

I think he loved the balloons more than the toys!

I know it is a princess cake! He asked for a cake with Aerial and that's what he got. I asked him several times if he wanted Cars or Spongebob but he would say " I still want Aerial." So of course he got his Aerial cake. They also included some other princess', which he used later as bath toys! We love our silly, crazy, precious boy!


Erin said...

Happy Birthday Ayden! I'm so glad you went with the Ariel cake. Sometimes as a mom of a boy it's hard to do that. Can't believe he's 4!!

Jones Family said...

Happy Birthday! Wow- a 4 year old! This is the best age!

Shirley said...

Aerial is my favorite! Good pick Aydan!