Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day

We had a great snowfall on Saturday, just in time for Aydan's birthday party. And finally we got some good snow and lots of it! After Aydan's party we all went sledding. The best place is the elementary school down the street, it has a great hill and lots of room. Even though there are signs posted that say no sledding I think everybody pretends they can't read! We were very proud that Aydan actually got on a sled and loved it. Last year he wouldn't even get on and this year we couldn't get him to share.

Tuck, Grandma and Aydan climbing the hill.

Aydan, Grandma and Annie, tight squeeze!

Little Sammy hanging out in the snow.

MiRanda and Tuck, and yes he went down the hill!

Aydan enjoying the snow day.

Aydan cruising down the hill.

Annie and Aydan.

Aydan and MiRanda.

Sam, Peter and Aydan. What a fun ending to a great day! How precious is my family.


Shirley said...

Very precious Annie! How much fun does that LOOK! Happy Birthday Aydan!
P.S. I will miss you so much at work email me when you get a chance.

The Wiseman Life said...

That was such a blast. Thanks for inviting me. I had such a fun time...and Peter's Stew...mmmmmm I can never get enough of that!
Can you e-mail me some of the pics you took?