Monday, January 21, 2013

Summer Vacation

For our vacation this past summer, June 2012, we drove to Colorado Springs to visit with my younger brother, his wife and their cute baby boy M. The drive is a bit long especially when you drive through Wyoming but the destination was worth it. We spent the week with my brothers family and we did all sorts of fun things. We went camping, hiking, Jeeping, went to a Renaissance Festival, the zoo and lots of parks with lots of walks. The worst part is that we lost our camera near the end of the trip, and of course I had not emptied the SD card before we left, I don't even want to think of all the pictures that we lost. Thankfully my mom was with us on vacation and loves to take pictures. The best part is that we were there to celebrate M's first birthday! My brother and his family were great hosts and Colorado Springs is a beautiful place to visit!

Peter, Annie and Aydan

Aydan, Peter and Sam

Wyatt and Peter


We were so tired after our adventure camping with a one year old!

Aunt Dene, Aydan and Sam

Sam after being squirted, poor Sammers.

M's first birthday party

Sam all worn out

Aydan and his uncle

Looking good Sam!
The crew at the zoo.

Aydan and Sam

Aydan and Sam love their aunt.

The boys and my aunt

Baby M

Aydan and M loved to wrestle.

Cuddle time with M

Aydan and M

The boys camping

Annie, Sam, Aydan , Wyatt and Peter

Aydan always posing!



My favorite pic is the one of Aydan's surprised face... seriously cracks me up! I am loving all the catch-up posts of summer. I am done with the cold and so ready for camping, hiking, water gun squirting weather!!

Shirley said...

Now that looks like a whole lot of fun! Boys are getting big Annie they are super cute!