Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Birthday Boy

Sam made it to three! He is such a big boy now. Sam has changed so much in the last couple of months. He is talking, making his own train tracks, can actually sit for longer than a minute and is Aydan's new best friend! It is so nice that the boys can play together. I love to hear Aydan say lets play Sam and off they go. Sam just loves his Aydan. He is still as wild and crazy as ever. But that mischievous smile and all the hugs and kisses he loves to give keeps us mostly sane!! Happy birthday Sam, we love you so very much.

Sam's new trains

Sam was so excited for his cake

Love that smile and love that Sam!!


Jones Family said...

"Sam made it to three!"- we all wondered for a while! :) We LOVE Sam and think he is one fantastic three-year-old kid!

Shirley said...

Annie Annie Annie Annie! Am I missing something here? Am I missing a post some where ?? Not about Sam bout about a 4th? :) Your boys are beyond cute and I am glad that little sammers made it to 3! I love Wyatts pictures he is so precious! How are you and what have you been up to? Really want to pull a get together with some old 4 northers this summer. I'll keep you posted!!

Lorri Love said...

So cute! Love that kid!