Friday, December 24, 2010

Aydan's Birthday

Aydan turned 6 on December 16th. I can't believe that he is six already. It was just yesterday that I was pregnant then at the hospital having my first born son. I still feel like he is still a newborn. I remember everything about that day, about every milestone, about every year. Really it still feels like he is my baby. I was induced about a week early, labor was easy, epidural worked great. Then came the pushing, he just didn't want to come out. Which is just like he is, cautious, never wanting to try new things. After over almost two hours and some distress by me and Aydan he made his appearance. 8 pounds 7 ounces, 21 inches long. Fussy baby, jaundice, cried a lot, not easy to smile but what a joy he was! I loved every minute I spent with him. Late night feedings, and lots of rocking and cuddling. I actually watched the first and second season of Alias during the newborn months! Aydan hated sleeping in his crib the only place where he would sleep was in his bouncer, oh how he loved that thing. But after three months of transition he was sleeping from 8pm to 8am. He was a very predictable little man and loved his routine, still is! He walked a little before his first birthday, finally gave up his binky when he was three, and potty trained when he was three and a half. So much has happened, time has gone by too fast! I am still mourning that fact that Aydan turned six. Just today he had a mild fever so I was getting him some Tylenol. And because he is six and weighs over 45 pounds I could have the children's chew-up. There is was on the box six to eight 2 pills. How can this be? And so a cried, just a little, but I cried. I just want all my babies to stay little!
Aydan is a wonderful little man. He is so caring with his little brothers and has a real sensitive side. In movies where little kids or babies cry he has to close his eyes and plug his ears. He just hates when little ones cry. He is very smart, loves to read and is really loving Kindergarten. Aydan also has a goofy side, he loves making his own jokes up and loves pulling funny faces. We are so proud to have a son like Aydan! We love you buddy!!


One year old

Two years old

Three years old

Four years old

Five years old

We took Aydan and two of his friends to Chuck-E-Cheese for his birthday. He has never been and that was his birthday request. We had a great time!

Aydan , Lucy and Myles


cassy said...

Oh my gosh Aydan looks just like Sam as a two-year-old!

Shirley said...

Annie what a beautiful little post about Aydan. It gave me mommy goose bumps! What a sweet little man he is! Please let me know if you find the secret of keeping them from growing up! Happy Birthday Aydan!