Monday, September 6, 2010


How does time go so fast! It was just yesterday that I gave birth to my baby Aydan and now he is in kindergarten. It makes me sad, but I am trying to keep it together. He is loving school so far. He is pretty social so anytime he can be with friends he is happy. I am loving his teacher, Mrs. Millers. She is a grandma type teacher and is all loving! Perfect! It is fun to walk Aydan to school and pick him up with Sam and Wyatt tagging along. I love to see how excited he gets to go to school. He is such a smart kid and I hope his love of school continues.

Newborn Aydan, he is so precious.
5 year-old Aydan, still so precious.
Making a craft project for orientation.
I think he might be doing a dance.
All ready for testing, he did beyond great! Such a smarty pants!!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Wow, time does fly. I remember working the good ole night shift when you were pregnant with the cutie! He look a lot like you!