Friday, August 6, 2010 - Whooping cough: Calif. outbreak serves as reminder to get vaccinations

I don't usually use my blog for my personal opinions but I find this very important. People who don't vaccinate their children have an impact on my children and the rest of society. The little ones, infants especially, are not fully immune to childhood diseases even if they are getting the vaccines. So if someone gets whooping cough, a highly contagious disease, they can easily give it to a young child and make them seriously ill and even die. Please vaccinate your children! Childhood diseases like whopping cough, measles, mumps, and polio are not things that you want your child to experience.
And feel free to share this link. - Whooping cough: Calif. outbreak serves as reminder to get vaccinations


Jessica said...

I agree! Thanks for sharing.

Jones Family said...

I second that! A few years back, three kids in my preschool class got whooping cough from one kid. And I got it MEGA bad, too! Also remember to stay current, even as an adult!

Jones Family said...

I second that! A few years back, three kids in my preschool class got whooping cough from one kid. And I got it MEGA bad, too! Also remember to stay current, even as an adult!