Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Holiday Break

What do I say about the holiday break. Busy, hectic, fun, and lots of crying. Sam was sick and we believe teething. So there was lots of restless nights, lots or crying for all of us and total grumpiness. The boys did have a good Christmas, Sam was in awe and Aydan was just so hyper and excited. Aydan did say this was the best Christmas ever. I was very grateful that Peter was off for two whole weeks so we took turns with the craziness! We did get time to take the boys to Kangaroo Zoo. The boys loved it! Sam was hesitant at first but got the hang of it and was as crazy as ever.

Sam found a friend.

The boys

Sam sneaking some pie!

Aydan on Christmas morning.

Sam and Aydan

Aydan as a shepherd.

Sam as a shepherd.

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