Today is Aydan's birthday! He was born 5 years ago at 6:26pm. He weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 21 inches long. It has been a great five years with Aydan. He is so funny and serious at the same time. You will notice in a lot of his pictures he is very serious. That is how he was for the first 4 years. Just recently he is getting silly and all smiles. He was a very good baby, slept through the night at 3 months, can't remember teething being a problem and never got into the cupboards or climbed on anything. Quite the opposite of Sammers! I can't believe that my baby is 5 years old, it has gone by way to fast. Thankfully he has told me I can call him my baby until he becomes taller than me. But he will always be my baby, forever and ever. We love you Aydan!!
Right after his birth, what a big boy!!
The day we left the hospital. True story, he said hi that day!
Aydan at 1 year.
Aydan in the bath, 1 year.
Aydan 2 year old.
Mister serious, 2 years old.
3 year old birthday.
Aydan and Sophie, 3 years. (Miss you Sophie)
Aydan 4 years old.
So precious, my baby 4 years old.
Happy Birthday Aydan!!! The Target pictures turned out darling. We'll have to get Ethan and Aydan together to play. Ever since Ethan saw he had Bakugans on Sunday he's very interested in him. :)
Oh Annie 5 years have gone by! Incredible! Happy Birthday little Aydan you are so blessed with such a great family!
Wow 5 yrs! I love all the pictures!
I love, love, love the new photos!
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