Monday, December 7, 2009

It's A.....

We are having a BOY!!! I can't believe that I get to be the mother of three boys! We are super excited. The ultrasound went really well. He yawned for us and moved his little fingers. So cute, we already love our little boy!


Lorri Love said...

Yea! I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait to meet him.

The Robot Writes said...

Congratulations! Any names yet?

Davis Valley Classic said...

So exciting! You have such cute boys, I'm excited to see this cute little guy too!

Erin said...

Ok. I'm going to be honest. I'm a little disappointed. I wanted you to have a girl. ;)

But, you know BOYS RULE!!! You are going to help create a lot of great husbands. And your house is going to be wild and crazy. I'm happy for you. Glad the little guy is healthy.

Malmstroms said...

Hooray! More boys for my girls to marry! We love all the cute Nortons!

cassy said...

Fun! Another little boy for Boston to be friends with! Super excited! Let me know if you need anything!

Jones Family said...

rad. now my little gal will have a boyfriend! :) i have some "baby boy banana bread" to bring over (and yes- you should assume that double entendre...)

Jessie said...

Congratulations! I bet your boys are all so excited to have another brother.

Britters and Parx said...

Oh BOY!! Haha!! Congrats! Wow, so fun!!!

Shirley said...

Boy number 3! That is so so awesome! You are the coolest mommy of 3 boys I know! How lucky are all of them, all 4 of them!