Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh Aydan

A couple of weeks ago my mom and some friends were over for dinner. Aydan eats fast and always gets done before anyone else. So he was pestering all of us to get done so we could play with him. Peter gave him several warnings to leave us alone but he kept at it. So Peter took him in the other room for a time out. When Aydan came out he went up to my mom and told her in his most serious voice "my parents have destroyed my heart!" That's Aydan for you, so dramatic! He is always making us laugh!!


Davis Valley Classic said...

Hahahaha! That is a great line, way to go Aydan! Haha! I love when kids say hilarious things! He's such a cute kid! Oh, I got some of those bottles you suggested. They're all packed up and ready to go to Wyoming, now I just need a baby to use them! Thanks for the advice!

Erin said...

That's hilarious Annie!