On New Years we had a fun party with our neighborhood friends. It was a Noon Years Eve party, because there is no way we were going to be able to stay up until midnight. Remember we have been blessed with a baby that doesn't sleep! We can't afford not to go to bed at 10. Oh the joys. Anyway back to the party. We had the neighbors over for some food, lots of chatting and at noon we all went outside banged some pans and celebrated Noon Years Eve! Sorry I didn't take very many pics, I get too involved with chatting to be bothered with the camera! Later that night Aydan's cousins came over for a sleep over. They had a camp out in the living room and watch a movie. Not too exciting but still lots of fun!
Jason, Lyv, Sam and Peter.
SO FUN! I'm glad you got photos- I totally forgot my camera all together!
I had my camera, but left it in my bag! Thanks again for a fun party!!
Looks like you guys had a fun time. Creative idea.
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