Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ode to Candy

Of course this is a post about Halloween. This year was more fun than ever. Aydan actually was really excited to go trick-o-treating, he asked all morning if we could go trick-o-treating. Aydan had fun running door to door with his friends from the neighborhood. It is much easier to go trick-o-treating with a group of friends and more fun. Sam was a good sport, he pretty much slept in his stroller the entire time. Sam had the cutest costume, he was a little frog. Which fits him perfectly as he likes to stick out his tongue and loves to jump. Aydan got a ton of candy and ate a lot as we were walking around. And surprisingly enough he did not ask for any candy all day today. Score of me and Peter, we can enjoy all of Aydan's hard work!

Aydan finally getting tired and needing to be carried.

Mr. Elephant

Little precious frog

Of course Sophie got a costume, she hated every minute!

Enjoying his candy

Aydan and Myles


Jones Family said...

What cute trick-or-treaters! Sam's little frog outfit was quite a find- cute boys!

wiseman said...

They are to dang cute...K Sophie is hilarious. I want her!
Glad you guys had so much fun. Kris and I were boring this year. He worked til 10pm.

Malmstroms said...

Cute, cute! I love your new background. I kind of want Sophie too! Don't tell Aaron.

Erin said...

I love the frog outfit. It was fun to see you guys on Halloween.

Shirley said...

Cute cute costumes! Sophie is so funny!