Tuesday, June 17, 2008

One Month Old

On Sunday Sam turned one month old. He is finally smiling at us. It brings us such joy when we see him smiling and looking at us. Sam is a pretty good baby. Except at night he likes to cry for a couple of hours usually from 8-10pm. Go figure. I think he is just telling us he has had a long day. I know that by the end of the day I am ready to cry for a couple of hours because I am so worn out. Well enjoy the pictures of Sam.


Anonymous said...

He's getting so big! I LOVE his hair!

Shirley said...

Annie your boys are so adorable!!!

Britters and Parx said...

Oh my! Man, time flies! When are you coming back to work lady?? Hurry, hurry!! =) Your boys are too cute!!

Josh said...

I know what baby Samuel is saying, "Help Joshua my favorite cousin, save me from these crazies."

Amy said...

He is like a little man with all his hair. Miss seeing you at work.