Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Leave Me Alone

This is a funny story about what a pill Aydan can be, and what we love him for. If it wasn't for all these funny things he does our lives would be that much more boring! Aydan was up later than usually and Peter was giving him a bath, during the bath he kept saying "leave me alone". So after the bath Peter laid Aydan on the floor wrapped in his towel, I went to get him dress and do our nightly routine. But Aydan would have none of it. He insisted that I leave him alone. I left and came back about 5 minutes later and he still was wrapped in his towel on the floor saying "just leave me alone". So that's exactly what I did. I turned off the light, covered him in a blanket and left. About 10 minutes later I checked on him and surprise, surprise he was sound asleep curled up in his towel and blanket. I guess he really wanted to be left alone to get some sleep. Sounds just like someone we know (his mom)! Mr. Personality at his best!
P.S. We did go in later to dress him in p.j.s and put him in bed.

1 comment:

The Sullenger's said...

Hey Peter & Annie
It's a small world, so we ran across your blog from Paulina's. Brian would like you to think about his name for the new baby. He is egocentric. Hope all goes well with the new one.

Brian & Liz Sullenger