Thursday, January 5, 2012

Crazy Christmas

What a great Christmas. It wasn't without the stress but it was a lot of fun. We were able to have the entire Wiseman family here for Christmas. My younger brother, his wife and their precious son came from out of town, my aunt also was able to join us from out of town. We were so blessed to have a house full of family! I loved spending time with both my niece and nephew. They both are beyond special and I am so happy that the boys have cousins to grow up with. Aydan, Sam and Wyatt had a exciting Christmas season. Lots of late nights, tons of laughs and a lot of wrestling. This year all three boys enjoyed opening gifts and actually got excited for presents. Wyatt was the king of opening presents, not only his but everyone's. You will notice not a lot of pictures of Sam, there are two reasons for this. One he is too active to stay still for any amount of time and two he is in the phase where he doesn't do anything I ask. So when I say smile so I can take your picture he turns his face or hides. Oh Sammers! Aydan was happy to have both his cousins here, he loves babies. He is a sweet boy and is trying real hard to be grown up. I have to remind him that he is seven not seventy! Thanks to all my family for all their help, all the fun times, laughs, craziness and joy that you brought me, Peter and the boys! I love the Wiseman clan so very much!!

M and Z our cute nephew and niece
Z likes to be naked as much as Sam does!
Uncle Kris and Aydan
An actual picture of Annie
Peter and his book/safe
Soon none of the men were upstairs and this is what we found. Brotherly love! And the best part was they actually brought their babies too, what good daddies!

M getting a little too overstimulated. Love that boy!
Aydan studying his new ship
Wyatt's new kitchen
My goofy brother and cute mom
Love that smile
Baby's favorite gift
Aydan and Peter

Sam discovering Santa came for a visit