Easter celebration was full of fun. We dyed Easter eggs, put together the sandbox, and had an Easter egg hunt. Aydan was too excited to tell us he was awake, so there is no pictures of him looking for his basket. By the time I got up he had his Easter basket and all the goodies out! He also was excited to "help" his brothers find their baskets. Later that day we had a fun family get together at Kris and Miranda's house. It ended up being a nice day so the boys were able to run around, we had another Easter egg hunt, ate awesome food and the adults played a really fun game. It was nice to spend time with my little family and my whole family.
Wyatt with his basket

Sam and Aydan

Sam finding his basket

Baby Wyatt finding eggs

Aydan and his basket



Baby Wyatt, only one of the boys that likes to be tossed in the air. Look at that distance.

Aydan and Zellie

Sam and Tuck

Wyatt and Zellie

How cute is she! This is my brothers cute little daughter.