Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time Flies

Wyatt is six months old already! He had his well baby check-up and is getting so big. He weighs 16 lbs 8 oz (29%) and is 27 1/4 inches long (76%). He is the smallest of all the boys, but not by much. He is turning over, sitting up and almost crawling. I keep telling him to stop growing and stay little forever, but he just won't listen to me. Wyatt is such a happy, easy going baby. He loves to sit in my lap and just watch his brothers play. The boys are having fun with baby Wyatt. Aydan is great at watching him while I do chores, Aydan can always make Wyatt laugh. Sam is good at giving him his binkie and rubbing his back if he cries. Both Sam and Aydan are so loving with Wyatt. Wyatt is so very lucky to have two sweet and caring older brothers.

Wyatt sitting up (just ignore the girl clothes)
All smiles

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Poor Sam

Yesterday Sam got his adenoids and tonsils taken out. He is a horrible sleeper, is restless and snores. So we are hoping this will do the trick. The surgery was only 30 minutes, recovery took a bit longer because he refused to drink anything. Yesterday was a little tough, poor Sam was in a lot of pain and was just plain miserable. He was up most of the night, lots of crying and cuddling. But today he is doing much better. Pain is in control and he actually gets off the couch and plays. He is surviving on popsicles, Jamba Juice and ice chips, but he is surviving.

Poor baby Sam!

LOVE Primarys. Look how fun.

How cute are these hospital gowns.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Fun

This year we were able to go to Kerrianne's own pumpkin patch! Her family owns a farm complete with a field of pumpkins. The boys were able to run around undisturbed and Sam hardly got into any trouble! Aydan picked out a big pumpkin that I can't wait to carve. And Miranda was so cute, she was like a kid in a candy store. She was very excited, she ran around more than the boys did. She has an eye for pumpkins and picked out the best ones!

Kerrianne, Miranda, Annie and Wyatt

Aydan and Sam

Wyatt and his mini pumpkin

All the boys

Miranda and her prize

Annie, Aydan , Wyatt and Sam

Luis and Aydan



Aydan and his pumpkin

Camping Buddies

Peter has been camping every month for almost two years, even in the winter. And now that Aydan is big enough he often joins in the fun. I love that Peter is active and enjoys the outdoors and Aydan loves the outdoors just as much. Peter is such a great dad and enjoys spending time with the boys. It is nice that Aydan gets some one on one time with Peter. I just can't wait for all the boys to get big enough so we can enjoy camping as a family!

Cute Aydan in the tent

Peter and Aydan

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Dirty Dash

It will be hard for anyone to believe but I did finish my first 10K. I can't believe I did it! This 10K was full of obstacles and was more of a trail run. We had to jump over hay bails, climb over walls, jump through tires, crawl through pipes, run through a very stinky swamp, slide on slip n' slide and finally crawl through a giant mud pit. So much fun and oh so messy! I thought I might die at one point, why did there have to be so many hills!! Thankfully I had a buddy with my that isn't much of a runner too, so me and Heather made it together. We like to say we "hiked" the 10K. It was a lot of fun and I am proud of myself that I actually did it. And me and Peter are already signed up for the 5K Dirty Dash in May. Can't wait! Thank you Miranda, Nan and Heather for the great adventure. Thank you Katrina for all the great pictures! And thank you Aydan and Peter for being there to support me, love you guys so much!!
Oh so precious Aydan

Handsome Peter

My support team

Annie, Miranda and Nan

Annie and Heather
The Girls

Getting a good stretch in before the race. HAHA!

The Lion King

Aydan and I got the opportunity to go to the Lion King. It was spectacular!! The costumes and music were unreal. It was so fun to see Aydan in awe. Aydan loved it and even asked when we could see it again. Thank you Molly and Doyle for making this possible!