Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Day

Peter had a great idea to go up to the cabin. Of course we knew it would be snowed in and we would have to hike in. I thought I can do that, I am only 7 months pregnant and the snow is only waist high, no problem. So when we get to the spot where we actually have to get out of the truck and start hiking I think to myself, not going to happen. In my head it didn't look this bad. So Peter being the great husband that he is, turns the truck around and we head back down the mountain. But we did come all this way so we stopped at the side of the road got all the snow clothes on and played outdoors for a bit. It was lots of fun. The boys wrestling, Aydan trying out his snow shoes, Peter doing gymnastics, and me being cold and taking pictures.

Snow was a little deep.
Sammers, enjoying the snow.



Gone. He loved every minute. And look at that form!

The boys wrestling, I think Sam might be crying.


Aydan and his snow shoes.

Peter and Annie.

Aydan in his hole.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sleep Training Day 2

So of course what does Sam do last night, slept all night without one peep. I swear he knows we were all set for the sleep training so to throw us off he will sleep through the night for the next couple of weeks and then just when we think well maybe this is it he will be back to his old self! It was nice to get a complete night of sleep, for that we are grateful. Well we are all set if you wakes in the night, I just wanted to get it over and done with. Sigh.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sleep Training Day 1

Now I am not exaggerating when I say that Sam has not consistently slept through the night since the day he was born. He would go for a couple of weeks then be up for the next two or three days. And we can't take it anymore. I hate to hear him cry so I don't think I made his bad habits any better. He cries I go in there and rock him and gasp, would sometimes give him a bottle, anything to get him to go back to sleep. But as he is getting older he is figuring out that when he cries at night he gets the attention he wants. And we are exhausted! And with another baby coming oh so soon we have to get a handle on this situation. We have tried almost everything but sleep training. Maybe he gets cold at night, so we put a space heater in his room, maybe he is teething, all his teeth are in now, maybe he is hungry, so we feed him a good snack before bed all with no results. So we have been reduced to the cry it out method. I know I am a hypocrite. I always said I would never do it, I can't listen to my baby cry like that, they will grow out of it, they grow up so fast why not just hold them while you can. Well the lack of sleep and the grumpiness at our home has as rethinking our previous statements. Judge us all you want! Haha.

After lots of talking about what would work best, unfortunately the cry it out method won. Sam just seems to get more worked up if we go in there and rub his back or have any interaction with him at night. He knows if we come he will get attention and it seems to wake him up more. So last night was the first night of cry it out and it was HELL! I hate, hate, hate hearing my baby cry. At first it was just some fussing but as the time progressed it turned it to screaming and some calls for mama. So heartbreaking. I am crying just thinking about it. But eventually he did fall back to sleep at just over an hour. Which was how long it would take to get him back to sleep rocking him so, not too bad? I feel super guilty and I hope I am not traumatizing him, but we feel this is the right thing for our family. All the articles we read about sleep training says it doesn't matter what method you use just be consistent. (Still trying to convince myself we are doing the right thing) So day one down hopefully not many more to go!